Jewell Marceau and I dance at the same club, Larry's Rack Shack. The other night we were both in the dressing room area taking a cigarette break. She began whining about what a bad night she was having but I was not inclined to give her any sympathy. Why should I? I'd been having a GREAT night and the next best thing to the money was being able to lord it over all the other girls. I counted my bills as she was telling me her tale of woe and then I sat there fanning my face with my wad as she stared dejectedly at the industrial carpet. She actually didn't seem as demoralized as possible so I waved a single dollar bill at her and laughingly told her that I'd donate it to her if she "worked for it." That pissed her off and she called me a "slut." What an overused word. I rolled my eyes and prepared to leave the room when she tried to grab the wad of money out of my hand! I hadn't seen such a money-grubbing, desperate stripper since I left the Spearmint Rhino in London! Then, get this, she started ripping the bills in half and informed me that she was too good to "slut around" for dollar bills in the lap dance booths like me and she could think of a few ways to split my legs open even wider than they usually were..
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- XXOO Tanya
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